Board of Directors

Office Bearers and Directors 2024/25

Nerida Campbell 

Joined the Club: 2004
On the Board since: 2019 

My Career: I currently hold the role of Chair of Contango Asset Management Limited, an ASX listed funds management company, having been a non-executive director and Chair of Contango’s Audit and Risk Committee since August 2018. I have over 25 years’ experience in the financial services sector, retiring as Chief Operating Officer at Magellan Financial Group Limited in February 2017. In my previous 10 years with Magellan, I also held the roles of Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary. Prior to Magellan, I held senior executive roles at UBS AG Australia, including as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer – Investment Banking Division. I am a Chartered Accountant, a graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australia. 

Why the Board: I feel I have skills and experience that have proved useful to the Club since I joined the Board as Treasurer in 2019. In the role of President I will work with the Club’s Captains, Treasurer, other directors, and management team to continue to ensure the ongoing success of the Club both financially and in the delivery of a quality golf course and club house facility for members to enjoy. With the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions in 2022 the Club will be able to return to providing its members with not only challenging and enjoyable golf but a re-invigorated social dynamic bringing together both new and long standing members. 

Why I love golf: Golf is just the perfect sport. It provides both a mental and physical challenge. It’s different every time you play. There is always something that you can work on and improve. It’s inclusive – you can play with others of different ages and playing abilities. You can play as an individual or as part of a team. It’s social and it is fun. 

Vice President
Brett Collins 

Joined the Club: 2008 
On the Board since: 2022 

My Career:  Business consultant, focused on global transformation engagements, primarily with large corporations & government agencies. I spent 12 years in the US & travelled extensively throughout Asia, The Americas & Europe, with a speciality around Japan. For the last 5 years, I have moved into something that I always wanted to do which is teaching & as a side hobby / job coach cricket & baseball. 

Why the Board: Firstly, what an honour to both represent our club & have the chance to carry on the legacy of prior boards. I am excited about the prospect of helping to shape our club as we move further into the 21st century, whilst recognising our (almost) 100-year history. This club has much to be proud of from a social & golf perspective & I look forward to the opportunity to contribute more to it. 

Why I love golf: Simple, it’s spending time with friends in a relaxed environment surrounded by a beautiful course for 4 & a bit hours. It’s the challenge of the course & the game, all while having fun with friends. Waddagame. 

Nick Hartry 

Joined the Club: 2016 
On the Board since: 2022 

My Career: I am a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales.  My career started as an auditor with Coopers & Lybrand (UK), before moving into insurance in 2001 when I joined Aviva Group.  In 2003 I made the move to Australia and joined Insurance Australia Group where I have spent the last 19 years, primarily in reinsurance.  I am married with two sons and a daughter and love nothing more than watching them at their weekend sport. 

Why the Board: I became a member of Roseville Golf Club in 2016 and have been struck by what a friendly and progressive club we are.  Having joined the Finance, Risk and Compliance Committee last year, I see joining the Board as a chance to further my contribution to the club.  I will use my years of experience in the finance industry, to enable the Board to make strong financial decisions that will ensure the club remains sustainable, whilst also investing in the next stage of our development. 

Why I love golf: I love golf because you get to combine fresh air, exercise, and good company.  I find golf to be a great test of skill and patience and no two rounds are the same.  Just when you think you have cracked it, something changes! 

Men’s Captain 
Paul Carey  

Joined the Club: 2009 
On the Board since: 2018  

My Career: I was a NSW police officer for 40 years, retiring in 2012 as the Assistant Commissioner Professional Standards. In 2013 I was appointed to the Australian Sports Anti-Drug Agency (ASADA), Anti-Doping Rule Violation Panel (ADRVP) for 7 years. 

Why the Board: Roseville GC is essentially a small business that for nearly 100 years has relied heavily on members volunteering for various duties to help the Club. I’m happy to work on the Board and as Captain, so that the Club can continue to provide a great golfing experience. 

Why I love golf: I love golf for the challenge, the strategy involved on each hole. That terrific feeling when you strike a pure shot, chip close or sink a clutch putt. I enjoy the company of others when more often than not the chat is simply about golf. 

Women’s Captain  
Seonaid Colderick 

Joined the club: 2004 
On the Board since: 2019 

Career: BSC Hons Pharmacology (Aberdeen, Scotland); Coopers and Lybrand CA training (Uxbridge, West London). I worked at the University of Queensland managing scientific research grants; lived in PNG for 5 years and was involved with various volunteer groups while raising three sons. Since coming to Sydney in 1999 I have worked on a range of committees at Barker College and was involved with the PWC Foundation raising awareness of the charitable organisations which the Foundation supported.  

Why the Board: I was asked back in 2019 if I would apply for the Board. It is a great way to give back to the Golf Club and to ensure that RGC is being managed in the best interests of the members.  

Why I love golf: Golf is a great outdoor sport which can be played at vastly different levels all over the world. I particularly enjoy the social side, meeting people from different walks of life and it can be as competitive as you like. 

Stephen Campbell  

Joined the Club: 2006 
On the Board since: 2023

My Career: I am currently the Underwriting Governance Manager at icare with a focus on Insurance Risk Management and Transformation Risk across several key transformation projects at icare.I started my career at a “Big 8” accounting firm in the audit and insolvency divisions.  I moved into banking and finance with the NAB holding various senior management positions in Business Banking, Credit Risk and Operational Risk.  Following NAB I joined QBE LMI as Head of Credit managing the credit risk of a significant mortgage insured portfolio of loans across major bank and non-bank lenders, including through the GFC.I am a Chartered Accountant and hold an Executive MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management.

Why the Board: Having been a member since 2006, I decided to “give back” to the club by standing for the Board.  The experience gained throughout my career is applicable to the challenges of running a successful business and I look forward to contributing to the future development of the club for the benefit of all members.

Why I love golf: The challenge of a game you can play for life.  I started following my dad around the golf course with my 1 club and I was hooked. Since then, I have enjoyed many rounds with family and friends and now have the joy of playing with Tobi, my son.  The people you meet, the fresh air, the good shots and bad, all make golf the great, and sometimes frustrating, game we love.

Pat McVean  

Joined the Club: 2016 
On the Board since: 2020

My Career: I started my working life as a high school teacher of French and German but decided to go over to the dark side at the age of 34 and become a Chartered Accountant with KPMG in England.  In 1992, my husband Peter and I uprooted our family and emigrated to Australia.  I spent the rest of my career working in business management, as a senior financial and commercial manager in various large professional services firms and private investment companies. 

Why the Board: I became a member of the Roseville Women’s Committee in 2018 and enjoyed the opportunity to contribute to some of the activities of the club.  I have also served as Treasurer on the executive committees of several large strata buildings and experienced the value that volunteers can bring to the operations of community-based organisations.  I decided to join the Board because I felt I had a wide-ranging skill set which could be a useful asset for an executive position in the Club.  I have a strong desire and commitment to achieve continuous improvement in all aspects of the Club’s operations. 

Why I love golf: I played comp tennis for many years and when I retired, I decided to take up golf by joining the Women’s Clinic at Roseville in 2015.  As a beginner, I missed the satisfying thwack of the ball on the tennis racquet and nearly gave golf away.  I’m glad to say that the game has grown on me since then and I have become a true golf tragic!  I draw the line, however, at playing in the rain!

Dominic Beange

Joined the Club: 2017 
On the Board since: 2024

My Career: I joined Commonwealth Bank in the early 1980’s and soon found myself in financial markets trading division. I stayed at Commonwealth Bank for 18 years, working in roles that all involved trading in currency and interest rate markets, and later stock markets as I helped establish CommSec. I moved to the middle east in 2003 where I worked as Head of Treasury for one bank and Head of Investments for another. For the last 10 years of my career I worked in Papua New Guinea including as Chief Investment Officer for a superannuation fund. In all those posts I found a way to play golf, if not quite as often as I would have liked! I have Bachelor of Economics degree and am also a Chartered Financial Analyst.

Why the Board: I have played golf all my life and joined Roseville Golf Club in 2017. I now have more time to give back to the Club, and look forward to helping make our club a friendly golf club that presents the course as well as we can while being financially sustainable. My career experience gave me plenty of exposure to boards generally, and I’ll use that experience to sustain all the things that make a great golf club with a friendly atmosphere.

Why I love golf: My dad introduced me to golf at a young age and I loved it. He taught me not only how to swing a club, but also to never throw one. We had lots of rounds together and when I finally managed to beat him he was as pleased as I was. Golf is a game we can play alone, but it’s always better in a group. It’s a game you can play with anyone, regardless of ability and background and no matter how well you play one always feels we can play just a bit better. I’m blessed to be married to a golf tragic, so it looks like I’m in for the long haul.

Donna Bartlett

Joined the Club: 2019
On the Board since: 2024

My Career: I am currently a Partner of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.  I was admitted as a solicitor in the Supreme Court of New South Wales in December 1999 and completed a Master of Laws at UNSW in 2008.  I have been in private practice as a commercial transaction lawyer for 25 years, specialising in technology and intellectual property.  I began my legal career with Mallesons Stephen Jacques followed by partner appointments at national firms Holding Redlich and Gadens, moving to Deloitte in 2021.  I hold a Certificate in Not For Profit Governance from the Governance Institute of Australia (2007), having acted as external legal advisor to CareFlight, Australian Sailing and Cricket Australia amongst other NFP organisations.

Why the Board: Throughout my life, I have been a perennial volunteer, looking for opportunities to support organisations that I am involved with at a personal or professional level.  As I am in full-time work, offering my skills and experience to RGC is an opportunity for me to support the Club and its community.  I believe my corporate and NFP experience and legal skills will add to the diverse skillset of the Board in a positive way, and I am genuinely delighted and feel privileged to be elected to represent the members of RGC.

Why I love golf: I thrive on the challenge to improve and love that players of any level can compete with each other.  The thing I love most is that no matter what type of round you have, there is always friendship and laughter on the terrace and that one great shot of the day to share which will no doubt bring you back for another round.


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We are pleased to welcome Donna Bartlett and Dominic Beange who were both voted in as Directors of the Board at the AGM on Wednesday 15th May 2024.